01-24-2021, 08:18 AM
I have a post on my website; mywebsite/info/guestpost/ within that post there is a link to; guestpostsite/articles/info I want to ping the guest posts site using my site as the referrer.
When I do a Browser Ping I get the following message "Failed 200"
When I take the tick box off Browser Ping I get "Error"
My aim is to make it look like mywebsite/info/guestpost/ is referring some traffic to guestpostsite/articles/info
What am I doing wrong?
When I do a Browser Ping I get the following message "Failed 200"
When I take the tick box off Browser Ping I get "Error"
My aim is to make it look like mywebsite/info/guestpost/ is referring some traffic to guestpostsite/articles/info
What am I doing wrong?