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ScrapeBox - RankTracker - on1x1 - 12-04-2012

Hi all,

I use rank tracker to check my keywords ranking. Untill i made the update to scrapebox, the rank tracker worked very well, with my private proxies. Now after update, i can not use my private proxies to chek the ranking.....Why?

Thank you.

RE: ScrapeBox - RankTracker - on1x1 - 12-05-2012

No one use Rank Tracker from scrapebox?

RE: ScrapeBox - RankTracker - mtngoat - 12-06-2012

I have the same problem. If I turn off proxies it works fine - except I get blocked by google.

RE: ScrapeBox - RankTracker - Revend - 03-28-2013

I have also same issue with ScrapeBox rank tracker. It is best rank tracker but it is best only when this problem will be solved.

RE: ScrapeBox - RankTracker - silentrunner2 - 04-03-2013

Hi i am also having the same problem, with proxies turned on I just cant get it to work what so ever such a shame.

Edit: I found the problem, the profiles get corrupted to easily. programmer needs to fix this asap. I notice when adding a large amount of keywords the program stops responding and gives an error message but you can close it and continue from this point on whatever you was working on is now corrupt it seems. You gotta start over navigate to your scrapebox folder then go to


Then delete the profile you suspect is corrupted, go back into the program and start over. Try adding less keywords at once, this worked for me not saying it will work for everyone good luck.

Also is it me or is this rank tracker painfully slow, I feel this tool could be so powerful if only it has these small issues resolved. It only seems to check 1 keyword at a time and for multiple projects and keywords it takes forever.

RE: ScrapeBox - RankTracker - greenleader - 04-14-2013

Debor you must be joking. it's bug and should be fixed lol